
IGN Fallout 3 Review – There’s Been Some Changes by Anthony Barlow
October 29, 2008, 5:20 am
Filed under: Gaming News | Tags: , , , ,

[By Anthony]

Neocrisis have noticed some inacuracies with IGN’s review of Fallout 3. There have apparently been two versions of said review, the original one and an edited version. This wouldn’t be too significant if the section delated wasn’t so damn important. Hit the jump for the two pieces.


“Fallout 3 is such an engaging and fantastic experience that it’s easy to overlook its few minor flaws, but they do exist and should be mentioned. With any game of this size and scope, you can likely expect a few bugs to slip through the testing process and that is the case here. I had the game crash a couple times. I, and other editors at IGN, have also experienced an annoying number of bugs on the PS3 version that have prevented the game from progressing or have broken the world. In all of these cases, reloading the game has been enough to fix the errors and nothing was frustrating or detrimental enough to give me thought of not recommending the game. However, there is one major issue with the PS3 version that can’t be fixed with a reset. Every time anybody on your friends list signs on or sends you a message (or any time you receive any network notification), the game freezes and the screen blurs for a few seconds. If you have a lot of friends signing on and off all day, this will completely ruin the game. The only way to circumvent this is to either play offline or turn off notifications entirely.”


“Fallout 3 is such an engaging and fantastic experience that it’s easy to overlook its few minor flaws, but they do exist and should be mentioned. With any game of this size and scope, you can likely expect a few bugs to slip through the testing process and that is the case here. I had the game crash a couple times, amongst other small bugs. In all of these cases, reloading the game has been enough to fix the errors and nothing was frustrating or detrimental enough to make me not recommend the game.”

As you can see there’s no mention of the PS3 in the edited version of the review. Of course these could have just been inacuracies with the review, I hope that’s the case because if not that’s pretty crappy. I hope it was something wrong with the review copy and not something to be worried about because I should be getting my copy on Thursday. I’ll try and contact the reviewer (Jeff Haynes) for comment.

4 Comments so far
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thats strange. but jeff hanes is awesome, so jeff ur forgiven. beyond.

Comment by Ryan Gray

I’ve not yet been able to find an email address for Jeff, i’m sure he’ll address this on Podcast Beyond this week.

Comment by Anthony Barlow

It’s a great game, although if you don’t explore and only do the main quest it is quite short.

Especially if you go straight to Rivet City after Megaton instead of finding the radio station. I missed out on quite a few quests doing that on the 1st playthrough, oops.

Comment by Ad's

so iv gotten around to doing the troubble at homfront quest and when i go to talk to the overseer (part of the quest) he tries to shoot me has any one else had this problem ????

Comment by thomas

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