
Happy New Year! by Anthony Barlow
January 1, 2009, 1:35 am
Filed under: Blog News | Tags: , , ,

[By Anthony]

I’d just like to wish all of our readers a Happy New Year. I hope that 2009 is a good year for everyone and judging by the lineup early on in the year it should be a good one for us gamers.

We’ll hopefully be trying to predict the future in a feature coming up in the next few days. We’ve also got an interview with EPOS games’ Olof Gustafsson, talking about the recently released Crash Commando as well as a review of the aformentioned title. Hopefully the competitions will begin again in the new year too, so there should be some good stuff on offer.

Other than that, on behalf of myself and the team, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that the year 2009 will be a prosperous one.